BSR - Section Radiologie Abdominale
Universitaires Saint Luc, service de Radiologie,
salle de cours Radiologie (Auditoire P. Bodart), niveau -2 route 618
salle de cours Radiologie (Auditoire P. Bodart), niveau -2 route 618
18H30: “CTA in internal herniation after RYGB”- Dr. Hendrik Verelst o.s.v. Dr. Dirk Vanbeckevoort
18H45: “Abdomen ft. Angio: segmental arterial mediolysis” - Dr Gheysens Gerald, ASO radiologie Gasthuisberg
19H00: “Mycotic pseudo-aneurysm as a clue to colo-rectal malignancy” -
Dr Jan Van Offenwert & Dr. Patrick Gillardin - ASO Radiologie Ziekenhuis Oost
Limburg Genk, België
19H15: “An unexpected cause of abdominal pain in a 11-year-old girl” -
Dr Jonas De Melio with Dr. Murielle Herman and Dr. Thomas Debrouwere of the AZ
Delta in Roeselare
19h30: “Penile Girth Enlargement: do not try it at home” - Mesut Mutluoglu * Jesse Marrannes * Kristien Boel** Kristof De Smet*
*Department of Radiology, AZ Delta campus Rumbeke, Deltalaan 1, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium.
**Department of Urology, AZ Delta campus Rumbeke, Deltalaan 1, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium
19H45: “Budd-Chiari syndrome, an overview” - Dr Valentin Petit with Dr. D. Vanbeckevoort and Professor D. Bielen UZ Leuven
20H00: “Barium is not dead” - Dr Lorthioir Félicie, Dr Médart Laurent, Dr Lismonde Jean-Luc, CHR LIÈGE
20H15: “Series law” - Dr Jleilati Dina, Dr Médart Laurent, Dr Collignon Laurent, CHR LIÈGE
20H30: “An unusual presentation of a systemic pathology” - Dr Annika Herrtwich, ASO Radiologie ASZ Aalst VUB
20H45: “A Case of Fournier Gangrene: air density in the soft tissues, an ominous sign” -
Dr Van Snick Elyn, Dr Valgaeren Bjorn, Dr Claikens Bart, Az
Damiaan Oostende